Get ready for a shocking video! A man drops a washing machine from the 5th floor, and the aftermath is unbelievable. Watch to find out what happens next!
A man’s effort to drop a washing machine from a building’s fifth storey and safely land it on a mattress failed. The experiment, which took place in the Marzahn district of Berlin, Germany’s capital, turned out to be a complete nightmare. The device eventually fell to the ground, collapsing and breaking into pieces.
The 24-second video, posted on X by an officially verified username called Crazy Clips, depicts a person holding a washing machine on the brink of a window on the fifth level of a building. A mattress is placed on the floor.
It appeared that the person was attempting to place the big equipment onto the mattress for a safe landing. However, everything went awry when the person shoved the washing machine out the window. It dropped on the ground rather than where he wanted it to be. The object cracked, but the mattress remained intact.
The video of the incident rapidly became popular, with social media users crowding the comments area. The clip gained significant attraction on X, garnering over 145 lakh views.
One user humorously questioned, “Why’s this video so long? So satisfying sound. This made my whole week.” Another person said that it was “so satisfying” to hear the sound when the washing machine hit the ground, adding that “this made my whole week.”
“Even if it had landed on the mattress, it’d still be broken,” a user commented.
Earlier, another video appeared depicting a remarkable rescue in Brazil, in which a woman used a cardboard box to save a dog from a potentially fatal fall. The event occurred when a dog was seen dangling dangerously from an upper-floor window of a building. The video instantly went viral, with many social media users applauding the woman’s fast thinking and compassion.
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